Academy Grammar 1 STUDENT WORKBOOK, pdf format
Academy Grammar 1 STUDENT WORKBOOK, pdf format
121 total pages
electronic file (pdf)
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The two-book Academy Grammar series offers teachers a slower-paced alternative to Richbaub’s Introduction to Middle School Grammar that aims to reach the same goal: providing a foundation in grammar and mechanics that fully prepares students for the challenges of higher-level English classes, as well as the standardized tests that lie ahead!
Requiring just 45 minutes of instructional time per week over the course of two academic years, Academy Grammar 1 & 2 also include year-to-year concept reviews and introductions to more advanced topics such as appositives, participles, and sentence structure variety. The student workbooks include all lessons and practice exercises but do not include answer keys or evaluations (tests), which are contained in the Teacher’s Editions.
In short, the Academy Grammar program, which in total includes over 230 pages of reproducible lessons and practice exercises, goes more slowly but also goes a little further than Richbaub’s Introduction to Middle School Grammar!
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